Sunday, January 27, 2013

Challenge #2 Progress...

Sort at least 8 inches of paper....well here's 13 inches:

The before picture (I'd love to say this is all that needs to be sorted....but that'd be a lie!)
Progress on this challenge has been seems that "life" just keeps getting in the way....HOWEVER....I did get my "sorting system" set up..

My helper stuck with me for almost 90 minutes before getting bored (and wandered off to get HIS scrapbook supplies to paw through!)

It is time to do chores, so everything is stacked up for the next session...

The after picture:

Down to 3.5 inches and these are all "packages" rom when I was selling Leaving Prints.

1 comment:

  1. I am very proud of you.
    You are way ahead of me on this one.
